
Things that I can do:

  • • photograph objects in unusual settings,
  • • teach you how to use your camera,
  • • teach you how to use Photoshop,
  • • teach you about the elements and principles of art.

I am an A.C.E. Photoshop retoucher.

Specifically, I’m very good at restoring old photographs.

I have 10 years of teaching photography & graphic design.

I can teach you too.

Available for hire.

Private instruction.

Group instruction.

Check This Out

Find your creative potential with resources I compiled like e-books, guides, and tutorials.

This Too

Collaborate with artists, designers, and writers through workshops, projects to expand your creative horizons.

Why Not

Public Speaking Engagements.

Guest appearances.


You’ll find all of this and more in my monthly, sometimes less frequent, newsletter. If there is enough interest: Stay connected and be inspired by joining my exclusive email list, receiving monthly newsletters filled with valuable content, updates, and other stuff I find fascinating. SOON Signup button.